von martin.wos | Aug 29, 2018 | Block Stocks
One of the more attractive uses of blockchain technology is the creation of new tokens to hold real assets. While we’ve seen a number of such tokens, regulatory compliance in the real world is still an issue for many companies. Security token sale platform and SME...
von martin.wos | Jun 16, 2018
Visit us on the Crypro Walley Conference in Zug. The first blockchain conference driving progress through academic excellence. The conference covers topics ranging from technology, economy & finance to law &...
von martin.wos | Mrz 26, 2018 | Blockchain
In den aktuellen Mainstream Medien sind nun auch Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin angekommen. Es folgen Berichterstattungen über Hackerangriffe auf Börsen, explodierende Kosten für Grafikkarten und Stromkosten durch das Mining, neue Rekorde von eingesammelten Kapital von...