Serial entrepreneur, german engineer, visionary and investor

Hi and welcome to my website. I write about cryptocurrencies, blockchains and entrepreneurship. You can also get in touch with me when I’m doing panels regularly.

Known from the press

About me

Martin Wos is a passionate entrepreneur. German engineer, visionary, investor and co-founder & CEO of Block Stocks Swiss AG, a multi-award-winning startup from the Crypto Valley, which is to enable small and medium-sized companies to go public digitally using blockchain technology.

Martin Wos did his engineering with a focus on automation, where he supports customers such as Lufthansa. He also holds an MBA with a focus on international strategies, sales management and international entrepreneurship and completed a blockchain program at the University of Oxford. At the age of 15 he founded his first company, which was followed by others. With his blockchain company, he counts as the visionary for which he was nominated for the Young Entrepreneur Award 2018 in Switzerland.

Martin Wos also enjoys the trust of crypto investors, where he has advised crypto money with a total volume of 280 million USD in the past.

He is an international speaker, advises various start-ups in strategy and corporate development and is a member of the Crypto Valley Association and a mentor for students at the Karlsruhe University.

Companies I worked with

From the blog

Wie die Blockchain die Welt verändert

In den aktuellen Mainstream Medien sind nun auch Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin angekommen. Es folgen Berichterstattungen über Hackerangriffe auf Börsen, explodierende Kosten für Grafikkarten und Stromkosten durch das Mining, neue Rekorde von eingesammelten Kapital von Blockchain Startups und Warnungen vor Investments in diesem Bereich. Was viele aber nicht betrachten ist, was eigentlich hinter all dem steckt, das Bitcoin nicht gleich Blockchain ist, sondern sich dahinter eine Revolution verbirgt, die unsere Welt verändern wird.

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EICMA 2021 Mailand

SS. 33 del Sempione 28
Rho, 20017 Italien

Bitcoin, Blockchain, ICO, Tokens and Co.

Geb. 50.35, Seminarraum R101, KIT Campus Süd Deutschland

Blockchain Autumn School 2019

Hochschule Mittweida im Haus 39
Mittweida, 09648 Deutschland

Blockchain Expo 2019

RAI Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Niederlande

Blockchain Future Festival 2019

Perkins Park
Stresemannstraße 39
Stuttgart, 70191 Deutschland

VI Private Investment Forum Worldwide

Burj Al Arab
Jumeirah St
Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate