
Block Stocks Wins d10e Competition in Malta

von | Jun 4, 2018

This summer got off to a great start as Block Stocks took home first place honors from the d10e conference held in Malta on May 20–22nd. It was the 22nd […]

This summer got off to a great start as Block Stocks took home first place honors from the d10e conference held in Malta on May 20–22nd. It was the 22nd edition of the world famous d10e ICO competition, and the first ever edition in Malta. Founders Estefano Elhawary and Martin Wos were in attendance, where they competed against a number of impressive ICO projects. Their brief presentation covered Block Stocks’ business in a nutshell, which stressed the importance of SMEs in the European market and how there is a need for more accessible fundraising for such businesses. Following the presentation was an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions, where concerns about legal compliance and security laws were addressed.

Three awards were given in total, with first place going to Block Stocks for a prize value of $50,000. The conference also provided a great opportunity to network with other participants through a cultural excursion around beautiful Malta. This is truly an exciting time for the Block Stocks team, which looks forward to an event filled summer where we will be able to share more about the upcoming ICO.


Block Stocks Swiss AG ( offers a highly automated all-in-one Security Token Sale platform for Startups and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) – one of the most profitable investments in the financial history. This fundraising platform is powered by the Block Stocks Tokens offering unique revenue streams for the Token Holders, who will own the share of each Startup or SME that will ever raise capital on the Block Stocks Platform.


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